miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2021

Inphonik PCM2612 Retro Decimator Unit

PCM2612 Retro Decimator Unit is a free bitcrusher effect. It is based on Inphonik’s previously released RYM2612 Iconic FM Synthesizer plugin, which emulates the Sega Genesis sound chip.

The PCM2612 is based on the PCM playback feature of Inphonik’s RYM2612 Iconic FM Synthesiser. The RYM2612 is an emulation of Yamaha’s YM2612 sound chip famously used in the Sega Genesis.

The PCM2612 has a large central knob that controls the amount of 8-bit decimation applied to the source. Below is a mono switch, a dry/wet mix knob, and an output filtering switch. The output filtering switch lets you choose between the Crystal Clear digital output and the Legacy line output of the Sega Genesis Model 1 output circuit.


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