viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014


GBand - Band-pass filter.
GChorus - Chorus effect.
GClip - Wave-shaping signal clipper.
GComp - Compressor.
GComp2 - Compressor.
GDelay - Delay effect.
GDuckDly - Ducking delay effect.
GFader - Signal gain (-100 to 0 dB).
GGain - Signal gain (-12 to 12 dB).
GGate - Gate.
GGrain - Granular resynthesis.
GHi - High-pass filter.
GLow - Low-pass filter.
GLFO - Triple LFO effect.
GMax - Limiter.
GMonoBass - Bass stereo imaging effect.
GMulti - Multi-band compressor and stereo enhancer.
GNormal - Noise generator for avoiding denormal problems.
GRevDly - Reverse delay effect.
GSnap - Pitch-correction.
GTune - Chromatic tuner.

GSinth - Mono synth using three continuous portamento sine generators.
GSinth2 - Extends GSinth by adding triangle, square and saw-tooth wave shapes.
Packages - Packaged downloads.
Betas - Beta-release plug-ins.

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